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Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Indoor games for preschoolers are a must on rainy days. They keep little ones occupied and help them use up some of their endless energy.

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Playing Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Having something to do when the weather isn’t sunny is an important part of homeschooling preschool.

Littles need a way to expel extra energy and build their gross motor skills.

Having indoor games for preschoolers stashed in your back pocket will always give you something fun to do with your little one.

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

This article may contain affiliate links to products that may help you when homeschooling preschool.

You may even want to write these ideas on popsicle (craft) sticks and have your little one pull out a stick when you need something to do.

These indoor games for preschoolers require no special tools or items beyond a balloon for one game.

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Basket Toss

Lay a jump rope (or some other item to make a line) on the ground. Place a clothes basket a few feet in front of the rope. Using balled up socks, bean bags, or stuffed animals, stand behind the rope and try to toss the items into the basket.

Make it more challenging by moving the basket farther away.

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Musical Chairs

Place chairs, pillows, or even folded towels in a circle. Play some music and have your little ones walk (or dance) around the items. When the music stops, they have to find an item to sit on or stand on.

Remove one item, then resume playing.

There are two ways to play. The first one is that you are out if you don’t have a spot to stand/sit. The other way is that everyone stays IN and must try to fit on the items.
This second way is sure to include lots of giggles as everyone tries to get onto one small pillow.

Plus, you don’t have the tears of someone being out. 😉

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Simon Says

One person (Simon) calls out things for the group to do. If the sentences start with “Simon says…” then the people do the action. If the sentence doesn’t start with “Simon says…” then the people don’t do the action.

People that do the action only why “Simon says”, stay in the game. The winner gets to be Simon.

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Obstacle Course

Use things around the house to make a simple obstacle course. Have pillows to jump over, tape lines to balance on, and tunnels (under the table) to crawl through.

This is one of the indoor games for preschoolers that can be changed. Each time you play, it’s a different challenge.

Hide and Seek

One person counts with their eyes closed while the rest of the children hide. The person who just counted them tries to find the people who are hiding.

Then, it’s someone else’s turn to count, and the game continues.

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Balloon Tennis

Use paper palates as paddles and hit an inflated balloon back and forth to each other. Little ones can also bounce the balloon on the plate if playing independently.


Grab some puzzles and work on them together. Check out this post for some of our favorite preschool puzzles to have on hand.

No puzzles on hand, no problem!
Grab a cardboard box. Draw a picture on the blank side. Then, cut it apart and let your child put it back together.

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Board (or Card) Games

If you have board or card games on hand, grab them out and enjoy playing them together.

We have a post about great board games for preschoolers. I’ll link it here.

Animal Charades

Kids take turns acting out different animals, and others try to guess what animal they are pretending to be.

Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Inside Games for Preschoolers

Being prepared with activities for any weather may seem a bit extreme to some, but it’s a sanity saver over here. No sun in the forecast for days? No problem. We have you covered with indoor games for preschoolers. 😊

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