South Africa Activities for Preschoolers: Preschool Around the World
Planning South Africa preschool activities has never been easier. Check out these fun and engaging activities.

Things to Teach Kids about South Africa
Opening kids’ eyes to the wide world around them is such a fun experience. It is essential to let them see that not everyone lives like they do, uses the same tools, or even looks like them.
When children learn about other cultures, they can see what makes each one unique and special. Little ones become more empathetic and open to the diversity around them.
Before learning about someplace new, it’s fun to give your little one some background information. Encourage them to ask questions while doing these South Africa preschool activities.
Here are some things to know about South Africa:
*It is on the Southern tip of Africa.
*African penguins live there.
*There are six colors on the South African flag (black, yellow, green, white, red, blue)
*Many different languages are spoken in South Africa.

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Geography Activity
Activity 1: South Africa Map
Print out a map of the continent of Africa. Have your preschooler find the very tip (at the bottom) of Africa. Let them color in the country of South Africa using one of the colors (or all) of the South African flag (black, yellow, green, white, red, blue).
Activity 2: Sand Sensory Play
South Africa is over 90% sandy desert. Let your little one play in the sand with some plastic animals and pretend they are in one of the sandy deserts in South Africa.
While they play, you may want to talk about how hot the desert is and that there isn’t much rain.

Culture Activity
South Africa is a meeting ground for many cultures. Because of this, it’s hard to pinpoint certain South Africa preschool activities to do about culture. Feel free to explore South African cultures to learn more about specific ones.
Activity 1: Ndebele Art
Ndebele art is a unique type of art made by Ndebele people. It features bold colors and geometric patterns.
After looking at some Ndebele art, let your little one make their own using geometric pattern blocks. To take it a step further, try putting down a sheet of paper so their design makes a rectangle. You can also make a cardboard frame for them to make a pattern.
Activity 2: South Africa Flag
This pick for the South Africa preschool activities list is one of the more challenging. The South African flag is made up of six different colors. Recreate it a bit easier by looking at it piece by piece.
To make this a bit easier, you may wish to cut out the pieces of the flag and have your little one put them together like a puzzle.

Math Activity
Activity 1: Bead Patterns
Beads are incorporated in many of South Africa’s traditional dress pieces. Create bead patterns to bring this concept to life.
Use pony beads and pipe cleaners to make ABAB (alternating colors) patterns and ABBA patterns (this would be a pattern like red, blue, blue, red).
Activity 2: Shape Safari
Cut out different shapes and hide them around the room. Using cardboard tube binoculars, go on a shape safari to find and name the shapes.
You can have your little ones collect the shapes as they go so they can count how many of each shape they found.

Language Arts Activity
Activity 1: South African Letter Animals
Create letter animals for some of the animals native to South Africa.
We already have free printables for giraffes, lions, elephants, snakes, and zebras!
Activity 2: South Africa Folktales
Read South African Folktales together. Try searching for South African Folktales for Kids. This should help eliminate some of the folktales that are more violent or may not be as appropriate for kids.
We suggest you preread these folktales before deciding which ones to use with your little learners.

Music Activity
Activity 1: Gumboot Dance
There is a traditional dance in South Africa called the Gumboot Dance. The dancers wear gumboots (rain boots) while dancing.
What a fun addition to the South Africa preschool activities list!
Activity 2: Singing with Hand Movements
Sing some South African nursery rhymes and include hand movements. To start, try “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” (Mbube).

Cooking Activity
Activity 1: Milk Tart
Sweet, flaky pastry is filled with a smooth custard. As the name suggests, this recipe requires a lot of milk (at least 4 cups). It will be a great experience for your little one to see how the liquid filling magically turns into a custard.
Get a premade pie shell or graham cracker crust to take a shortcut.
Activity 2: Vetkoek (Fried Dough)
This yummy treat is often found as street food in South Africa. It can be filled with things ranging from cheese to meat to tuna and mayo to syrup.
Preschoolers may not be able to help with the frying part of this recipe, but they can help create the dough and shape it into a ball.

South Africa Preschool Activities
Grab your notepad and jot down some of these engaging South Africa preschool activities to do with your little one. Do them all or only do a few; you can’t lose either way.