Preschool October Themes
October has many fun and exciting things, from pumpkins to bats.
Check out the full list of preschool October themes to make planning easier.
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When to Use Preschool October Themes
Coming up with preschool October themes or units can be a hassle.
Figuring out what to teach, when, and why is one more thing to add it your already busy plate.
Take the hassle out of it by looking below for ideas of what to cover in October.
Gather some ideas, change them to fit your learner, and have a wonderful time teaching preschool October themes.
Although these are labeled preschool October themes, they can be used anytime.
Use these themes to guide the books you choose, the crafts and activities you do, and (if you have the energy to) bring in a themed snack.
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Preschool October Themes
October screams fall festivals. Pumpkins are all over.
Talk about pumpkin life cycles, cut open some pumpkins to have the preschoolers investigate, read books about pumpkins, or grab some golf tees and a hammer and let them hammer the tees into the pumpkin.
Painting the pumpkin or doing pumpkin-themed crafts are also fun activities to do with pumpkins.
Bring your preschoolers into the kitchen and make some pumpkin bread or take an orange and stick a pretzel stick in the top to make a snack that looks like a pumpkin.
Forest and Forest Animals
Learn more about the animals that call the forest home.
You can talk about the different types of trees and what animals make nests in the trees, what animals sleep in dens, and the animals that find a new place to sleep each night.
Take your preschooler outside to see trees and collect leaves and pine needles if possible.
Fire Prevention
Fire Safety Week is always in October.
It’s important to talk about what to do if there is a fire, talk about meeting spots and make a plan.
Many fire departments will come into schools to talk about fire safety and to show the kids what firefighters look like in their gear.
For homeschoolers, contact the local firehouse and ask if you can bring your kids on a tour.
Some departments hold open houses during October.
Check your local library for fire safety events, too.
Authors, Illustrators, and Books
October is National Book Month.
Take advantage and teach your preschoolers all about the jobs of authors and illustrators.
Let them try their hands at creating a book.
Include different authors and illustrators in your reading time to let your little ones get inspired.
You may want to focus on specific authors earlier in the week to help focus your little one’s attention.
Making books with preschoolers doesn’t have to be hard.
Come up with an idea.
Have them dictate to you what to write on each page.
Illustrations can be drawn after to match the sentence written on each page.
October is also Bat Appreciation Month (who knew!).
Bats play an important role in our ecosystem.
Help your preschoolers to learn about the important role these flying mammals play.
Try your hand at building a bat house to help these mosquito-eating animals.
If you celebrate, you can always incorporate Halloween into your plans, too!
October Preschool Themes
Embrace the crisp fall weather with preschool October themes all about pumpkins, forest creatures, and fire prevention.
Try some of these themes to delight your sweet learners.