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Mother’s Day Color By Number

Mother’s Day coloring sheets can be used in various ways with your preschooler. Keep reading to check out some of our ideas for new uses.

Mother’s Day Color by Number

Why Use Mother’s Day Color By Number Sheets

Mother’s Day coloring by number sheets may seem simple, but they are anything but.

Little learners work on number and color identification. From there, they learn to read the key at the top of the sheet and apply their knowledge to the Mother’s Day coloring activity.

Staying inside each shape can be tricky, but there are plenty of opportunities on each sheet to work on staying in the lines.

Once the sheets are done, they make a beautiful picture for Mom or Grandma.

Mother’s Day Color by Number

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Where to Grab the Mother’s Day Coloring Sheet

Fill in the form below to download the Mother’s Day coloring sheets.

How to Use the Coloring Sheets

In all the ways described below, try coloring the crayon at the top (in the key) with the correct color. This will help your little one identify what color to use for each number.

Then, let your little one color in the sheet. Some kids may choose to do all one number (color) at a time, while others may switch crayons. Either way is fine!

Mother’s Day Color by Number

Coloring Fun

Print and let your little one get to work coloring in the sheet—after you color in the key at the top, of course.

Partner Coloring

Make these Mother’s Day coloring sheets into a partner activity. Let your little one choose what color they want to use, and then identify what number they will be coloring.

After they have colored all of their numbers, it’s your turn to choose a color and color in all of the numbers that correspond with that color.

Math Center

Print out and color the key on the sheets, then place them in a spot your little one can easily grab during math center time. You may want to have them in a math center folder to keep them all together.

Even if you don’t use math centers, try having some Mother’s Day coloring available for your little one to be able to grab easily if they wish.

Mother’s Day Color by Number

Fine Motor Practice

Mother’s Day coloring is a beautiful way to work those tiny muscles in your little learner’s hands.

The more these muscles are used, the stronger they get. This will help when it comes to holding pencils, zipping zippers, and even holding a toothbrush!

Quiet Time Choice

Preschoolers tend to think they don’t need naps (but we know they could certainly benefit from them ). For everyone’s sanity, quiet time is a must in most houses.

If you are comfortable letting your preschooler color independently, these Mother’s Day coloring sheets are easy to print and use.

Mother’s Day Color by Number

Mother’s Day Coloring

Not all activities have to be fancy and require a long setup time. Try out these Mother’s Day coloring sheets you print, and let your little one get to work coloring. Take the few extra minutes you saved to enjoy your coffee while it is still warm.

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