Fall Songs for Preschool

Bring the fall season to life with these fun fall songs for preschool.

They are perfect for circle time, background music, and dancing.

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Teaching Preschool in the Fall

Each season brings its unique elements.

Because season changes are new and inviting to preschoolers, they love celebrating the season changes.

Bring the season of fall to life by introducing fall songs for preschool.

Listen to them while making leaf wreaths, during rest time, or in the morning while doing morning circle time.

There are many benefits to music and movement.

Your little one will learn how her body moves, work on motor skills, and much more.

To read more about it, check out this post.

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Turning Any Song into a Movement Song

Many of the fall songs for preschool listed below include movements already.

If they don’t, a simple way to incorporate movements is to choose keywords or phrases to which you want to put movements.

For example, many of the songs talk about leaves falling.

The movement for that could be holding your arm in the air and moving it back and forth as you lower it like a leaf fluttering down.

Many of the songs talk about the different colored leaves.

Learning what American Sign Language uses for different colors may be an easy way to incorporate color words into movement using sign language.

Don’t overthink (or complicate) it.

Dancing and singing to the fall songs for preschool are acceptable movements, too 😉

Fun Fall Songs for Preschool

Autumn Leaves are Falling Down from The Learning Station

Song to the tune of “London Bridges,” this fun twist is sure to be a hit.

Movements are included!

Autumn Song for Children from Easy Monkey Songs

It’s a catchy song about different things that are noticeable in autumn.

Orange, Yellow, Red, and Brown from The Learning Station

This pick for the fall songs for preschool reinforces colors with this fall-themed color song.

Autumn from Wormhole Learning


Can you hear the leaves crunching as you walk around while singing this song?

Grey Squirrel from Miss Nina

Squirrels are all over during the fall, collecting nuts for winter.

Enjoy this movement song dedicated to this furry friend.

Way Up High in an Apple Tree from The Learning Station

Count backward from five as the apples fall out of the apple tree.

Five Little Pumpkins from Super Simple Songs

Perfect for counting and learning emotions.

The Leaves Are Falling Down from Miss Nina

Grab a dishcloth or movement scarf and enjoy singing and moving to this fall song for preschoolers.

I Love Pumpkins!

Learn some pumpkin facts while singing about them in this pick for the fall songs for preschool list.

Sleeping Pumpkins from ABC Monster

It’s a fun take on a familiar Sleeping Bunnies song.

This song provides opportunities for your “little pumpkins” to do the actions called out in the song.

5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate from Patty Shukla

Let your little one sing along with this short pumpkin song.

Have her hold up five fingers for the five little pumpkins and put one finger down as each pumpkin rolls out of sight.

Autumn Song by Buffalo and Brandy

Sing along with this catchy tune and learn some fun facts and movements.

Preschool Fall Songs

Bring the new autumn season to your little ones with these fun fall songs for preschool.

With so many to choose from, you could use a different song each week of fall.

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