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The Best Math Games for Preschoolers

Games are a fun way to practice taking turns, following directions, and much more.

Keep reading for the top math games for preschoolers.

This article may contain affiliate links to products that may help you when homeschooling preschool.

Benefits of Playing Games with Preschoolers

Math games for preschoolers are a great way to get their brains working.

Games can work on math skills, taking turns, working together, and much more.

Nearly all games include counting spaces and identifying numbers (or colors) to move the game piece.

Each game is unique to what strategies and skills will be used during the game.

If it’s a cooperative game, teamwork is a must.

Learning to win (or lose) gracefully will be worked on if not.

New language will be learned and used as your little one learns some new math games for preschoolers.

This article may contain affiliate links to products that may help you when homeschooling preschool.

The Best Math Games for Preschoolers

Frog Balance Game

Take turns making the frog balance with a number on one side and the correct amount of frogs on the other.

Zingo! Math Bingo

A fun twist on traditional bingo.

This one practices number recognition and counting.

Number Learning Locks

Unlock counting and number skills with this fun lock and key game.

Hi Ho! Cherry-O

Pick all the cherries off of your tree first, and you win.

The cherries are also a perfect size to work on fine motor skills!

Candy Land

Not quite ready for numbers?

Candy Land doesn’t rely on numbers– it uses colored cards!

Count Your Chickens

Work together to collect chicks.

Teamwork and counting are both worked on during this fun preschool math game!

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

This is another one of the cooperative math games for preschoolers.

It works on matching, numbers, colors, and shapes.

Another awesome thing is that this game can grow in difficulty as your little one needs it!

My First Treasure Hunt!

Go on a treasure hunt right from the kitchen table!

Work together to race to uncover the treasures before the rain storm comes.

The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game!

While watching out for sneaky squirrels, be the first to fill your log with yummy acorns.

There is color recognition and built-in fine motor practice with this math game for preschoolers. 😉

Hoot Owl Hoot

This is one of the math games for preschoolers that is perfect for beginners (uses color cards, not dice).

You work together as a team to help all the owls return to the nest before sunrise.

Shelby’s Snack Shack

Spin the two spinners to see how many bones your pup gets.

Use the squeezer dog (tweezer-type tool) to pick up the bones.

Make a Pizza

Grab the order card and make the pizza according to the order sheet.

This game can even be played independently!

I Sea 10!

If your little one can add numbers to 10, this is one of the more advanced math games for preschoolers.

Like a matching game, kids try to find two numbers that add to 10 in this under-the-sea-themed game.

Reel Big Catch

Use the included fishing poles to catch a fish.

Then the fun part comes in– measure your fish to see who caught the biggest fish.

This is a great way to introduce the concept of measuring.

Smart Logic Road Builder Brain Teaser

Put on your construction hat and build a road to help the loader get from one corner to another.

The beautiful thing about this math game for preschoolers is that it grows with your child!

Sum Swamp Game

Work on basic facts down at the swamp with this fun game.

Simple addition and subtraction facts (within 10) are worked on.

Grab that Monster

Use the included monster grabbers to grab and release the Mini Monsters.

This is another one of the math games for preschoolers that works on fine motor skills AND math concepts like sorting, colors, and patterns.

How Tall Am I?

Make a silly creature by spinning the spinner and choosing the matching body part to add.

Measure up your silly creatures to see who made the tallest one.

Top Preschool Math Games

Math games for preschoolers are perfect to bring fun into your day.

Whether homeschooling or not, you can’t go wrong with these fun games.

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