Letter M Craft Mouse Activity

Letter M Craft: Mouse Activity

Squeak on by to check out how to make this adorable letter M craft. Turning a letter M into a mouse is quick and easy.

Letter M Craft Mouse Activity

Why Make a Letter M Craft

Great Fine Motor Practice

While doing this fun mouse craft, littles will work the tiny muscles in their hands.

This is important because it helps build up the muscles and gives them the strength to zip their coats, tie their shoes, and hold a pencil so they can write.

Helps to Connect Letter M to the Sound

After this activity, littles can recall (or reference their letter M craft) that the letter M was turned into a mouse.

While doing the craft with your little one, be sure to make the connection that the letter M is turning into a mouse because mouse starts with a “mmmmm” sound.

Letter M Craft Mouse Activity

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Simple & Needs No Special Materials

Whew! Crafts these days can get a bit overwhelming with all of the special materials.

Thankfully, this letter M craft is straightforward. You probably already have everything you need for this mouse craft (as long as the glue sticks aren’t dried out).

Where to Get the Printable

Sign up below to grab the free printable for the mouse craft.

If you want to get all alphabet crafts from A to Z, check out our shop.

Materials Needed

  • Letter M craft printable (see above)
  • scissors
  • glue
  • a piece of blank paper
  • crayons or markers
Letter M Craft Mouse Activity

How to Make the Letter M Craft

1. Print out the letter M craft.

2. Color in the printable and trace the word ‘mouse.’

3. Invite your preschooler to try to cut out the elements for the mouse craft. Start with the straight lines on the side of the letter M. All the curves can be tricky, so you may want to step in before your little one gets frustrated.

There aren’t dotted lines around the nose and whiskers, but you will need to cut them out, too.

Letter M Craft Mouse Activity

4. Place the blank sheet of paper so the long edges go up and down.

5. Have your little one find the word ‘mouse’ and glue it to the very bottom of the page. Then, find the letter M and glue it in the middle of the paper.

6. Find the ears and glue each one to the tops of the letter M.

Letter M Craft Mouse Activity

7. Add the eyes near where the diagonal lines meet in the middle.

8. Put the nose and whiskers on where the diagonal lines meet.

9. Hang up your mouse craft somewhere your little one can easily reference it.

Letter M Craft Mouse Activity

Mouse Craft

Enjoy making this simple and easy letter M craft with your little one. If you enjoyed this mouse craft, check out the other letters.

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