Preschool April Themes
Seeds, scientists, and South America– oh my! Keep reading to check out all of our wonderful preschool April themes.

How to Use Preschool April Themes
The ways these preschool April themes can be implemented are endless, but here are a few ideas to get you started.

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Choose Books Based on the April Themes for Preschool
Use the theme as a way to choose books around a central topic.
A mix of fiction and nonfiction books about the topic is a great way to expose your little ones to different types of books.
Create Arts and Crafts
Take the theme and make something that has to do with the theme.
Creating different insects or making a life cycle wheel are two ways to bring insects to life creatively for your little ones.
Make it Hands-On
Whether through experiments or dramatic play, making the preschool April themes hands-on helps preschoolers interact with the theme.
It also helps them to think more deeply about the theme.
Some things, like veterinarians, are more easily turned into hands-on activities.
Create a miniature vet clinic for your little ones to interact with.
Learn about different animals.
There are so many beautiful things that you can do to make your April preschool themes fun and engaging.

April Themes for Preschool
With spring already starting, it’s time to consider planting a summer garden.
What better way to learn about seeds than to plant your own?!
Learn about what different plant seeds look like, plant life cycles, and even what seeds we eat.
Let your little one dive into the wonderful world of science with a preschool theme all about scientists.
Not all scientists have wild hair and wear white lab coats.
Even preschoolers have what it takes to make predictions and discover.

Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day by making one of your preschool April themes all about our fascinating Earth.
Go on nature walks, talk about the Earth, and maybe even collect trash from a park.
It’s never too early to teach little ones about the importance of caring for our Earth.
Insects and plants go hand in hand. After learning about seeds, perhaps talk about the incredible insects that help the plants to grow.
Kids are allowed to practice empathy when they see insects.
It’s easy for them to stomp and crush small insects.
Talk with little ones about how they would feel if they got stomped on.
By interacting and learning about insects, preschoolers are armed with knowledge and power, which may help make the insects less scary.

South America
Each month, starting in January, a different continent is on the monthly themed list.
This is so you can take flights to different continents to immerse yourself (and your preschoolers) into cultures, music, food and learn about animals of new places.
You may even want to talk about landmarks on that continent to help make the continent more memorable.
If you have a pet, your preschooler has probably at least heard about the vet.
She may have been questioned about who cares for the dog when she gets sick.
Teaching about the helpers in the community is a great way to introduce new professions and to show who is there to help different people (or animals) if need be.
There are so many fun things you can do with a veterinarian theme!

Choosing Preschool April Themes to Use
Choose a few of these preschool April themes to bring into your preschool.
Many of them go hand in hand, so you can put them together if you can’t decide which ones to include.