Number Games for Preschoolers

Number Games for Preschoolers

Learning math doesn’t have to be boring. Try some number games for preschoolers to make learning hands-on and fun.

Number Games for Preschoolers

Benefits of Number Games for Preschoolers

Number games for preschoolers allow little ones to work on their number sense without all the pressure they have while sitting down one-on-one with you.

Games are enjoyable and naturally engaging. Your little one will eagerly participate in the number games for preschoolers because they are fun. (read as: easy buy-in for you)

Problem-solving and following steps are both worked on through gameplay.

Of course, number sense and fine motor skills are also worked on by playing number games for preschoolers.

Number Games for Preschoolers

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Number Games for Preschoolers

Counting Objects

Use everyday objects like favorite toys or blocks and ask your preschooler to count how many there are.
This doesn’t have to happen all at once, but you can also ask how many apples are left in the fruit bowl or how many strawberries are on their lunch plate.

Number Hunt

Write one number on each index card. You can change this game to fit your little one by changing how many numbers you choose to do. Less advanced kids, you many only do numbers 1-5, others may do numbers 1-20.

Once you have the index cards made, hide them around your space. Have your preschooler go on a number hunt and collect the numbered index cards. They will need to put the numbers in order to see which ones are missing and if there are more to be found.

**You can reuse these number index cards for other activities**

Number Games for Preschoolers

Number Bingo

Create simple bingo cards with numbers labeled in the squares. Call out the numbers for your little one and have them mark off the numbers on their boards.

Hopscotch Numbers

Draw a hopscotch grid with numbers inside each square. Call out a number, and have your child hop to the square labeled with that number.

Number Games for Preschoolers

Number Puzzles

Make a simple number puzzle where they match numeral cards with the corresponding number of objects. For example, match the number three with a card with three hearts.

These can be made simply with index cards. On one half of the index card, write the number. On the other half, have that number of an item (like hearts). Zig-zag cut down the middle of the index card to make two separate pieces that then fit together like a puzzle.

Mix up the puzzle pieces and let your little one get to work.

Counting Songs

Sing songs that practice counting. “Five Little Monkeys” or “Ten in the Bed” are great starting points.

Number Games for Preschoolers

Number Tracing

Use your numbered index cards from the number hunt and have your little one trace the numbers. They can use their finger to trace the numbers, or you can try placing small items like chocolate chips to form the number.

Number Sorting

Provide a mix of items and have your little one sort them into piles based on a specific number. So they could take the pile of plastic animals and put them into groups of three.

This is another one of the number games for preschoolers that can utilize the numbered index cards. Place the cards in a stack so the numbers aren’t showing, and flip over the top card. Your little one then sorts the items into groups based on the number shown on the card they flipped over.

Number Games for Preschoolers

Number Memory Game

Create a number memory game by using numbered index cards (like from Number Hunt). Then, you’ll need to create cards with the number of items on them. You could even let your little one help by putting the number of stickers on the index card.

Once you have a set of cards with numbers written on them and a set with a specific number of items on them, mix them. Lay them out so the numbers and items aren’t showing.

Take turns flipping over the cards and matching the number to the card with the corresponding number of items.

Outdoor Number Line

Draw a number line with chalk outside. Call out or flip index cards with numbers written on them (like from Number Hunt). Have your preschooler hop from the beginning of the number line to the number called (or shown on the index card).

Number Games for Preschoolers

Preschool Number Games

Get your little one up and moving with these fun and engaging number games for preschoolers. They are easy to set up and can be played again and again.

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