Letter S Craft Snake Activity

Letter S Craft: Snake Activity

Slither into fun with this letter S craft. Create a snake using the letter S with this easy print-and-go craft.

Letter S Craft Snake Activity

Ideas for When To Use this Snake Craft

Learning the Letter S

Make learning about the letter S fun with this letter S craft. It turns the letter S into a snake, making it easier for little minds to remember the sound that we use for the letter S.

Life Cycle Activities

When talking about the life cycle of a snake, include this snake craft as an additional craft. Littles can decide what part of the life cycle the snake in this craft is in.

Letter S Craft Snake Activity

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Reptile Study

Reptiles tend to be a favorite with preschoolers. Pique their interest by including snakes as part of the reptile study.

Pattern Making

The striped pattern on the snake provides a beautiful opportunity for your little one to practice making a pattern while doing this letter S craft.

You can even laminate the snake before it is colored and use dry-erase markers to make different patterns on the snake.

Fine Motor Craft Time

From coloring to cutting to placing items to gluing, a lot of fine motor work is happening.

This letter S craft is a great way to sneak in ways to strengthen your little one’s hand muscles.

Letter S Craft Snake Activity

Where to Grab the Free Letter S Craft Printable

Fill out the form below to grab this freebie.

If you are looking for all of the alphabet crafts from A to Z, check out our shop.

Materials Needed

*free snake craft printable (see above)

*crayons or markers



*blank sheet of paper

Letter S Craft Snake Activity

How to Make the Letter S Craft

1. Print out the letter S craft sheet.

2. Use crayons or markers to color the letter S and the tongue. Trace the word ‘snake’ at the bottom of the page.

Letter S Craft Snake Activity

3. Cut out all elements using the dotted lines as a guide. Cut out the word ‘snake’ by trimming any extra paper around the word.

4. Grab the blank sheet of paper and place it on the long sides of the paper, going up and down.

Letter S Craft Snake Activity

5. Have your preschooler find the word ‘snake’ and paste it to the very bottom of the page.

6. Glue the letter S in the middle of the page.

7. Add the two eyes to the tip of the snake. Place the tongue on the tip of the same end of the snake that the eyes are on.

Letter S Craft Snake Activity

Snake Craft

This letter S craft has excellent learning opportunities, from pattern making while coloring to cutting and gluing. It’s easy to prepare and put together, making it a win-win!

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