Sign Language Alphabet Practice

Sign Language Alphabet Practice

Take learning the alphabet to the next level through this American Sign Language alphabet practice. It makes learning hands-on and fun.

Sign Language Alphabet Practice

Why Teach American Sign Language to Preschoolers

We teach babies and toddlers how to sign milk, help, more, please, and thank you. However, American Sign Language (ASL) tends not to be taught after that. Why?!

Learning the American Sign Language alphabet is another excellent thing to teach your preschooler.

Not only does it make learning letters more tangible, but it’s a lifelong skill they can use.

Once your little one knows the ASL alphabet, they can communicate with others they may not have been able to before.

Even if they don’t know the correct ASL sign for a word, they may be able to communicate by finger spelling once they know how to spell 😉

Sign Language Alphabet Practice

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Where to Grab the ASL Printable

Check out our Freebies Library to grab these American Sign Language alphabet sheets.

You can get there by clicking this link.

If you aren’t already signed up, no problem! The link above will still work and guide you through what to do.

Items Needed

*American Sign Language Alphabet printable

*writing tool (crayon, marker, etc.)

Sign Language Alphabet Practice

How to Use the ASL Alphabet Printable

  1. Print off the American Sign Language alphabet printables.

2. Go through how the sheet works with your little one. Show them that they say the letter, sign it, color an item that starts with that letter, and then write both the upper- and lower-case letters.

3. Use the sheets as you wish. Do one sheet a day or multiple sheets in one sitting. See below for more ideas.

Sign Language Alphabet Practice

Ideas of What to Do with the Sign Language Alphabet Sheets

Make it Reusable

Grab clear page protectors and slide one sheet in each page protector. Have your preschooler complete the American Sign Language alphabet sheets with a dry-erase marker.

Once they are done, they can be erased. Then, they are ready to be done again. Repetition is key, after all.

Hang Up to Make an Alphabet Line

Like a number line, these American Sign Language alphabet sheets can be hung up at eye level for your preschooler. That way, your little one can easily refer to them and practice their ASL.

Sign Language Alphabet Practice

Make an Alphabet Book

Perhaps hanging them on the wall isn’t your cup of tea.

Hole punch the side and put the pages in a binder or a folder with the prongs. Your little one can still flip through and complete or revisit the American Sign Language alphabet without it being displayed in your house.

Turn It Into a Matching Game

After your child has completed the activity, you can cut the rectangles apart and have your child match up all of the pieces for each letter.

This will be a LOT of pieces, so you may wish to include two pieces of the sheet for each time you play. For example, include the ‘say it’ tile and the ‘sign it’ tile for one round of the game.

Another time the game is played, you may include the ‘color it’ and ‘sign it’ tiles.

Sign Language Alphabet Practice

ASL Alphabet Activity

Turning learning hands-on is critical when teaching littles. What’s better than making hands-on learning practical and a lifelong skill?!

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