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10 Fun Ways to Practice Letters

Writing letters and letter recognition is an important thing for any preschool child to grasp. Practicing letters at home will give your preschooler more confidence in learning and will help them progress.

But how can you encourage your little one to practice and recognize letters while still having fun? 

10 Fun Ways to Practice Letters

Ways to Practice Letters

There are a lot of ways to practice, but kids often respond best to tactile activities that are a little bit messy and a whole lot of fun! Here are 10 fun ways to practice letters that your child might enjoy:

Use a Stick in the Mud

A great option to consider is to do some letter recognition while outside. Head out for a walk, grab a stick, and trace some letters in the mud. Children will find this sort of sensory activity a lot of fun, and it’s a great way to casually introduce letters without a lot of pressure. 

Tracing Letters in Shaving Cream 

Another sensory activity to try when it comes to tracing letters is to use shaving cream. Squirt some in a shallow dish or a sensory tray, and then encourage your little ones to trace letters within it. This is a great activity and one that you can do over and over. 

If your child is prone to put things in his or her mouth, use whipped cream instead of shaving cream!

10 Fun Ways to Practice Letters

Create Letters Out of Toys 

If toys are your child’s thing, a fun way to practice letters is to get some of their toys and create letters with them. For example, if they like toy cars, set a few of them up in the shape of a letter and ask your child to tell you what letter it is.

You could also tape down a letter using masking tape to form the shape and ask your child to add toys following the lines of the letter. 

Finger Painting 

If your child is a little more hands-on then finger painting is a great way to help them recognize and practice letters. Ask them to copy the letters from their alphabet flashcards or the letters they see around the room. This is a fun and messy activity but it will also be a great way to encourage letter recognition. 


If your child likes building using LEGO, then this is an activity that is perfect for them! Get a bucket of LEGO bricks and ask your child to build the letter of the week (or however you’re introducing them). Show your little ones what you want them to do, or take turns creating the letters. Sometimes it’s fun to have mom or dad building too!

10 Fun Ways to Practice Letters

Tracing Letters on Paper with a Pen 

A more traditional way to encourage your little one to practice letters is to print out some letters on paper and have them practice tracing them. These alphabet handwriting sheets can help!

This traditional way of practicing helps them learn how to create the letters and practice holding a pen or pencil to develop fine motor skills. 

Alphabet Puzzles

Wooden puzzles that have each letter of the alphabet as a puzzle piece are a staple in most homes. You could do the puzzle together while discussing what each letter is and the sound it makes, or you could ask your preschooler to point to the letter you call out. 

Trace Letters with Colored Noodles

If your child loves sensory activities then a great one is to use colored noodles to form letters. Allow your little one to create the letter shapes with the noodles. This activity also helps to encourage the development of fine motor skills as they grab the noodles to create the letters. 

10 Fun Ways to Practice Letters

Sidewalk Chalk Letters

If it’s a nice day, grab some chalk and draw on the sidewalk, driveways, or even the exterior walls! Your child can draw the letters on his own, or you can ask him to recognize the letters that you draw. Kids love this activity, and before long, your driveway or sidewalk will be filled with the alphabet!

Create Letters Out of Chenille Sticks

Chenille sticks or pipe cleaners are great for crafts, but they can also be used to practice forming letters. Recreate the letters by bending and twisting the chenille sticks into shape.

Use the Alphabet Activities Below to Get Started!

Hopefully, these suggestions have given you some ideas for fun ways to practice letters with your little ones. Remember, learning should be fun!

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