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Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Why do I need to know the cognitive development of preschoolers? Knowing where your child is developmentally will help you meet her needs.

Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Why Does the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers Matter?

Cognitive development is the thinking and reasoning skills children must develop to understand situations, think critically, know cause and effect, and much more.

Helping with cognitive development for preschoolers will help them focus, have a better memory, and problem-solve.

Each age has different cognitive development skills that can be achieved. Keep reading to learn more about cognitive development at ages from one to five.

Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

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Important Thing to Remember

Each child is unique. Even identical twins won’t develop and be able to achieve milestones at precisely the same time.

Below is a rough outline of the cognitive development of preschoolers from ages one to five. Some kids may achieve these earlier than the age listed; others may achieve these milestones later.

Embrace your little one’s individuality and their own timeline ;).

Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Cognitive Development of 1-Year-Olds

Children that are trying to figure out how things work. They may try opening up sippy cups, turning knobs, or banging items together.

They associate words with items and remember things from a few days ago.

If blocks were stacked one day, when a one-year-old sees blocks again, she may try to stack them.

One-year-olds are figuring out that objects don’t go away when covered with a blanket.

Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Cognitive Development of 2-Year-Olds

Two-year-olds love to explore. They use their senses to figure out what something is and what it does.

Another part of cognitive development for two-year-olds is following directions. Some two-year-olds can follow two-step directions, too!

Naming items and playing simple games are both part of cognitive development at this stage.

Early problem-solving skills are starting, too. If a puzzle piece doesn’t fit, a two-year-old will start to turn it to make it fit.

Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Cognitive Development of 3-Year-Olds

The cognitive development of preschoolers that are three allows them to know their names, can attempt to draw a circle if shown how, and can follow three-step directions.

Three-year-olds can name a few shapes and colors, use their imagination, and are beginning to understand that numbers hold meaning. They may be able to start to recall parts of a story that was told or read to them.

Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Cognitive Development of 4-Year-Olds

Knowing if things are the same or different is a cognitive development of preschoolers that are four.

A simple understanding of time, naming some colors, and thinking about items when they aren’t present are all parts of cognitive development for preschoolers.

Some more markers of cognitive development for a four-year-old are: sorting, counting to ten, mimicking sounds that were heard, learning rules and the reasons for them, answering questions, recognizing their name printed, and increasing concentration.

Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Cognitive Development of 5-Year-Olds

The cognitive development of preschoolers continues into when little ones are five.

Some cognitive development milestones in five-year-olds are: counting ten or more items, understanding uses for household appliances, food, and money, drawing a person with at least six body parts, recognizing most letters, knowing at least four colors, and asking questions.

Five-year-olds are beginning to understand before/after, up/down, yesterday/tomorrow.

When kids are five, they can plan their actions and anticipate what will happen when they do the action.

They still get distracted easily but can focus for about five minutes at a time.

Understanding the Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Preschooler Cognitive Development

Knowing the cognitive development of preschoolers is useful when homeschooling. You can accurately set your expectations and goals for your little ones.

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